A Prioritization Framework for Tasks and Life

Dea Wang
1 min readMay 25, 2022

In an age of abundance, the optimists in us believe we can achieve everything and anything we desire. So, we found ourselves with incessant lists of need-to-dos and want-to-dos but never enough time.

When I was experienced this, I constantly felt like I was coming up short or just scraping by. Externally, I was confident. Internally, I felt like a failure. To shake off these unfounded feelings, below is the framework I came up with to ruthlessly prioritize my life — starting from my goals, my tasks, to even my thoughts.

Ask yourself: Which of the five categories below does the task I’m about to do, or the idea I’m currently contemplating, fall into?

uninteresting + un-useful = DISTRACTION
uninteresting + useful = OPERATION
interesting + un-useful = RECREATION
interesting + useful (you) = PASSION
interesting + useful (you and the world) = VOCATION

Now, we reduce:

5. Throw out the distractions. Don’t do them, don’t even think about them.
4. Operations: Don’t do them, but make sure you can.
3. Recreation: Doing them helps you do more of the following.
2. Passion: Find time to do this. When you want to.

  1. Vocation: A singular thing to dedicate every minute and thought you have to. Do the Operation tasks if they help this cause.

